Michael Herrera Bio

I have been a resident of Leander since 2018, when my wife Diane Herrera and I purchased our home in the Fairways development of Crystal Falls. Prior to that we had an apartment in Cedar Park since 2013.

Diane and I were married in 1995, and soon after that she started CSSI Solutions, a firm providing portfolio management software and operations for investment firms. I joined her in 1996, leaving my job as Regional Sales Manager at Nestle Beverage Company to become General Manager at CSSI. In 29 years in business the company has expanded from her in our apartment to having 40+ employees with offices in Orlando, Louisville, Phoenix, London, and now Austin. Growing the business while dealing with the business cycles has been both challenging and exciting.

I am currently serving on the Leander Parks, Arts, and Culture Commission, as well as the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) Board. In addition, I have previously served on the LISD Bond Steering Committee. I am committed to Leander, and excited about helping the city grow and grow well. While I was not born a Texan, my wife was. She, along with the rest of her family, have helped me understand what makes Texas different and Texans proud.

Diane and I are very involved in our local church, Generations Church in Leander, as Life Group leaders and bible study leaders. I am on the board of Chainbreakers, a prison and family outreach ministry serving Central Texas. We work with youth at the Williamson County Juvenile Justice Center and adults at the Central Texas Treatment Center, providing prayer, worship, ministry, and support to residents and families both during incarceration and during transition.